What is the pto ?

The Golden Door Charter School PTO is grassroots non-profit organization made up of families and supporters of GDCS and is governed by volunteered elected Board of Directors. The PTO benefits ALL STUDENTS with their fundraising initiatives, specifically, the Wildcats Fund.  It takes the contributions and participation of ALL PARENTS to sustain these innovative programs.

What does we do?

We advocate for our children by coordinating with teachers, administrators and staff to help provide programs and resources that are needed.

We provide our time and energy to Golden Door by volunteering also organizing programs and events.

We fundraise for these programs and activities that will benefit all children at school.

Why should you join?

Parent participation is critical to the educational success of every child. Join the GDCS family and show support for your child as we gear up for our amazing  school year. Membership includes voting rights and allows you to take part in  PTO sponsored school events, just to name a few things.

How can I join the PTo?

You can join anytime during the school year. Your annual PTO membership will run from early August through late June. We find that Most parents and faculty join in the first months of each new school.