The Wildcats Tricky Tray, is a Golden Door beloved and highly anticipated fundraising event at Golden Door Charter School, cherished by the school community. Participants enthusiastically buy tickets and strategically deposit them into the containers next to the prizes they hope to win, all in support of the school. More tickets, more chance to win the item. Prizes are usally donated by community and businesses, include gift baskets, electronics, and gift cards. Attendees not only get the chance to walk away with an assortment of exciting goods but also contribute to a noble cause.Enjoy an exciting night at Golden Door Charter School's Tricky Tray event.Our event offers a variety of interesting gift baskets and prizes that will appeal to all attendees. Get your tickets soon for a chance to win great prizes and support our school. Don't miss out on the fun at the Tricky Tray event.
Planning Committee & Donations Needed!
If you are interested in being part of the planning committee, donating a basket or prize, or know someone or a business that would like to contribute, please contact the PTO directly.
To sponsor or make a donation, please click on the link below. Thank you for your support.
Your involvement can make a difference!